Sunday, February 8, 2009

A little time

I actually have a moment to write a bit... this seems very rare (at least for the last couple of days). I am in the process of finishing up with school, and with the schedule we have and three kids, it leaves little me time. The kids and I have had the funk for a couple of days, which makes for long nights of waking to comfort and soothe... so this evening, even though I am exhausted, I am taking a moment to reflect and enjoy a bit of quiet me time.

I enjoy being a mother with pretty much all of my being about 90% of the time. The other 10% is full of things that I don't think any person in there right mind would love- the diapers, the punishing, and well... I suppose there isn't much else.

I'm just wondering why the guy at Wal-mart thinks that they know more about raising my children than I... and why is it I am so frequently reminded I have 3 kids- I mean come on, I know I forget things, misplace things, and often seem as though I am in la-la land, but I am completely sure that I do in fact have 3 children... "Wow, you have your hands full, three little ones." I am often bombarded with help too (not that I should be complaining), but sometimes it makes you feel like you look completely un-put-together... you've seen those people, who you want to help because you know they need the help- am I really one of those people... who would have thought having kids was reason enough for people to talk to you about their lives also?

In the last month, I have had the Pizza lady and the cable guy spill their guts to me- I'm not sure why, or the purpose of all of this (whether it be for me to learn something, or maybe just for them to get it off of their chest) I guess I don't even want to think this one out.

Anyhoooo, Valentine's day is right around the corner... making it easy to have an excuse to be close to your loved ones (I guess I don't really need an excuse)... time to look in the back of your drawers and find those long lost unmentionables... ha- I have got to get out of the habit of thinking it doesn't matter what I'm wearing around the house. I often wonder what my husband thinks sometimes- 3 kids later, and things to do- It's time to take a bit of care on myself-

So that's the weekly goal... wake up, get dressed and look nice, even if I plan on staying in...
Hope everyone reading is in good spirit and health-

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